Anti cheat methods...?

Im thinking about giving bosses and high level enemies HP regen to stop smaller, less damaging weapons with quick attacks from stun locking them and removing the challenge / reward. Does anyone know how the HP regen works?

The "HP regain" feature was one I looked up in the manual and translated it's description. It doesn't work like a constant regeneration, but if set to "yes" the enemy/NPC will regain it's full health when the player leaves the area then returns. Otherwise, SoM will remember how much the enemy/NPC has been damaged.

Have you tried using a short "getting hit" animation (or none at all) combined with a quick, directional counterattack? ‎  That should make the player rely more on maneuvering, dodging than cheap tricks.

I honestly didnt know it worked like that! Thats incredible, i suppose SoM is full of little surprises. That idea is pretty good, thogh having the attack too quick would finish players in no time. Ill probably implement this with later enemies.

For the first few bosses ill probably include a longer than usual hit anim, then for later ones ill reduce the time significantly.

Eek Im not sure if everyone knows this or not, but i was tinkering with one of my latest custom enemies' attacks with Johns PRF editor. I set his bite attack to 0.7 meters at 90 degrees, and his swipe attacks to 0.9 each, with different angles.

In the parameter editor i set his bite attack AI to 100, and his two other attacks to 70 AI. If i stayed at a distance, he would swipe away, and if i got close - close enough to attack him with a short sword, he would bite as soon as i got into that 0.7 radius.

He wouldnt approach me with the intention of biting me. Every time he approached it was to use swipe attack.

I thought it was worth sharing incase anyone needed an anti-cheat method in the future, or someone who wanted to add that element of surprise. Basically you could create a quick, punishing attack to make players think twice before getting in close and stunlocking an elite enemy with a dagger you get at the start, haha.

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