Any hints as to how to get the drain staff?

I hear the door unlocking sound while circling the round/round path but I've no clue what good that actually is (ie. what opens) Rolleyes

We will be setting up (afaik) a beefy graphically enhanced download for people with gaming computers, and versions of the current downloads with all manner of conveniences which shouldn't affect overall performance. Major stuff are no bugs, window play, full Vista compatibility, no sound drop out, probably mouse/wasd/analog controller support, and all kinds of goodies.

There is a graphically enhanced screenshot here (

PS: Trismegistus will be the first to get the treatment, the rest will soon follow.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Any hints as to how to get the drain staff? - by HolyDiver - 2010-12-27, 06:22 PM

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