Anyone have the damage parameters down to a science??

When it comes to adjusting bells and whistles, I prefer to approach matters from a more deterministic angle... but so far my piddling with this side of SoM has felt more like an art form than anything I can pin down. And this scares me, because I know I can't do an entire game this way.

For something like exp, it's easy. Give the simplest monster one exp, and all others are a multiple of that.

But what does one damage mean? Is it linear? Ultimately, all such systems have mathematical formulas, which are usually very ham handed at that. Are we even close to defining SoM's behavior formulaically? Has anyone done such required experiments?

At the least, I'd like to take this moment to file a formal application for any and all advice from those in the trenches Twisted

Messages In This Thread
Anyone have the damage parameters down to a science?? - by HolyDiver - 2009-05-28, 08:39 AM

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