Brigandine: Grand Edition Esgares Conquest in 4:44:41

Hate to bug you guys with yet another nation's speedrun down (two to go!) but surely Esgares is an interesting watch.. Cheers!

This was my favorite campaign by far. From having to implement entirely new strategies, to having almost all the teams be active in some way (even the absolute weakest ones), to losing knights along the way and having to work around that (part of the story line), to get getting some crazy good and bad luck.. This was by far the most interesting run of them all!

Cool !!
no cheat, and minimalist but compact setup. neat !
I could learn much from your gameplay Thank you :D
you finished Norgard, Caerleon, Almekia, Esgares
based on your speedrun pattern it seems still more coming? Leonia & Iscalio?

Hey ! I'm sorry I didn't see your reply until now. It's been a minute since I've worked on Brigandine at all but Just this last week I put together an Iscalio run, and you're right, Leona is up next lol

The Iscalio run took about 6:15 and I could get it to low 5s probably but Iscalio is rough and I'd probably work on getting Norgard below 4 before turning back to Iscalio.. Any way it was a super fun run with lots of interesting, and sometimes catastrophic, things lol

It'd be super cool if anyone else wanted to try to speedrun Brigandine, I own the page so bring on some competition! xD

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