Brigandine Grand Edition... Translation!

HERE is the v2 patch for adding fully English voice acting to movies. May be applied over any other patch. A huge thanks to the voice artists who donated their work to make this project happen. Version 2 fixes an issue that was preventing the endgame credits from displaying properly.

Asmit: Jason Start
Bagdemagus: Kevin Butler
Brangien: Julie Collins
Bulnoil: Cary Reese
Cador: Chris Dattoli
Cai: Daniel Bernardo
Camden: Daniel Bernardo
Coel: Jim Barr
Dinadan: Kevin Powe
Dryst: Eric Valdes
Esmeree: Erin Macdonald
Gereint: James Dooley ([email protected])
Guinglain: Caleb Rutherford
Halley: Erin Macdonald
Iria: Allegra Scott
Kiloph: Bradley Smith
Lance: Jason Start
Lyonesse: Julie Collins
Merriot: Kathleen Burns
Millet: ‎  Noelle
Millia: Candace Zingalie
Mira: ‎  Noelle
Palomides: Ray Jernigan
Paternus: Chris Dattoli
Ulster: Ray Jernigan
Vaynard: Phillip Galfus
Yvain: Daniel Bernardo
Zemeckis: Chris Dattoli

Translation (attached) updated to version 8. ‎  Fixes missing line-break in Millet's post-Esgares defeat description. Must be applied to an untouched ‎  disk image.

The Grand Battle patch (attached) is a mod that makes umm... grand battles. It takes a few rounds to build up steam and works progressively as time goes on. Works on any disk image.

HERE is a link to one of the coolest Brigandine art threads around courtesy of Leland3 on

HERE is v2 updated patch for subtitled movies. It adds subtitles to a movie that was missed in the first version. This was done upon request, but the quality is fairly low for several technical reasons not worth going into.

Attached Files
.zip   BGE D1 & D2 Translation (Size: 535.15 KB / Downloads: 26,957)
.zip   BGE Grand Battle Edition (Size: 778 bytes / Downloads: 15,084)

Best christmas present this year! Thanks for early release, will test things for you as I give it a whirl tomorrow =)

Merry Christmas to you too.

Wow, great job. It's awesome that you go this done. Thank you very much for doing this.

FINAL, i can reg this forum and say Gratz !!! GREAT JOB

dude u did it, thanks man, ive been waited this for the last 10 years or so, hahaha. ‎  beerchug
im crying when i see the description of my monsters.
sorry i cant post my pics because i dont really know how to insert images in this messages.
hi and thanks from indonesia bro.
Drool Drool Drool

Registered ASAP after seeing this Brigandine GE Patch. Can't wait to have it now. Hope it will be soon.
Thank you in advance for your hard work Man.. ‎  beerchug

(2014-12-29, 09:11 AM)HwitVlf link Wrote:Speaking of serious Brigandine mods, I really do wish someone would do a workover mod for this game. Not a reballance, but a complete new installment. It really wouldn't be that hard. ‎  I totally agree that there are quite a few creature types and spells that never get used. ‎  ‎ 

As far as getting the AI to level up lower units better, theres a fairly easy way to accomplish that- simply tweak a routine to add a little XP to low level enemy units every turn. The game already does an evaluation of all enemy units and inventories every turn. That XP wouldn't be earned fairly, but I don't know if that matters as long as the game isn't too hard.

Jumping on lazy dogs can be quite scary; they might stop being lazy, baring their fangs, and chase this fox away. ‎  Tongue

About the EXP mod idea, I think that it can be pretty good; during hard difficulty, low leveled enemy rune knights gaining exp every half month (maybe starting at 50-100 EXP?), with the EXP gain reducing depending on level and stops at around level 10. Not too imbalanced that we're going to see powerhouses early but can affect the difficulty during mid-game, with no effect on end game difficulty. I like it; I can imagine the AI eventually using Merriot/Lance/Kiloph/quest-obtained characters as primary castle defenders.

Waiting warmly for the updated patch.

I think making a mod to give AI controlled nations free exp for knights and monsters is a good idea. Rather than unit type balance the only issue that I have with this game is lack of resilience in AI controlled nations which leads to finishing the game too early even if you try to go easy on them. Once an AI controlled nation loses a bunch of their higher level monsters in initial battles it becomes much harder for it to keep putting up a serious threat in following battles against the player. I think giving free exp to AI controlled nations should somewhat compensate that especially if to make this bonus to scale up with the number of territories lost so even when they are caught in the corner they still will be able to put up a good fight. Providing them extra mana bonus in such situations might help out as well.

Stumbled onto this today looking at some good old Brigandine stuff. ‎  I have a partial GE translation from years ago running on an emulator and I don't even totally recall where it came from. ‎  I am ecstatic that this is so current and there is not only demand for this but also some very dedicated fans putting the time into it. ‎  Thank you.

I would be honored to volunteer my services for any voice acting. ‎  I saw mention of that buried in another thread (I have not read this topic in it's entirety) so if that is still a thing or may come up in the future, I would love to help.

In terms of balance, I think the AI does not use lower level knights, and that may be in part because the AI targets low HP Rune Knights primarily (think of any fight involving a level 1 Cortina.) ‎  Do we know what makes up their targetting choices? ‎  Is it based on maximum damage dealt, lowest HP target, etc? ‎  I think back to Ogre Battle where you had 4 options on what you could have your troops target. ‎  Strongest (highest HP), Leader, Lowest HP, Best (most damage dealt.) ‎  Would implementing something like this potentially encourage the use of lower level knights by the AI since they wouldnt automatically be targets by default and need extreme sheltering? ‎  Maybe each knight would have their own predetermined parameters for their troops (Bagdemagus gunning for lowest HP to be a slaughterhouse, Magicians using Best to leverage AOEs total damage, etc.) ‎  Probably a lot more involved in implementing this than I realize, but just a thought. ‎  There is a lot of strategic potential that could be introduced here (bring an AE healer vs Camden, pack lots of GScorp fodder when charging Bagdemagus.) ‎  There is a small degree of that already but it basically consists of don't bring Cortina into a fight vs Zemeckis in LOF, despite their cheeky dialogue you get, its a really bad idea.

I think exp modifiers on AI troops would be interesting. ‎  Maybe some kind of "training grounds" type of drill going on for idle troops if they are still in a castle and not attacked that particular turn. ‎  The WAIT option could be replaced with Defend, where you hold the castle and if there are no attacks, you gain exp. ‎  If this is a player option as well, it should be carefully implemented. ‎  Think about putting Dinadan and Cai on a border town and defending indefinitely. ‎  Even with low troops, the AI will almost never go after Dinadan and Cai in the same castle. ‎  Maybe 100 EXP to give to a troop of your choice? ‎  I think the AI could get a lot more than that, maybe even ramp up the amounts they receive based on difficulty level.

My other biggest personal gripe would be the requirement of taking out Esgares, recruiting Kazan, and then leveling Kazan to be able to unlock Ninja Master. ‎  I start off every game wanting Hyude or Sheridan to end up as a ninja master, and by the time thats a possibility I am strong enough to steam roll the map with other troops. ‎  Its a bit of an overpowered class so I get the exclusivity involved in obtaining it, but other melees at 25+ can be just as overpowered.

Also, in GE monks/guardians have an automatic kickback as their primary attack. ‎  That would be extremely more useful as an option, and disallow it entirely in counterattacks. ‎  As is, it almost eliminates the ability to frontline a monk, as a monster can pop him for hit #1, get knocked back, and open that space for a second attack. ‎  I would like to see it as an optional melee attack, useable after movement, maybe with a 80% damage modifier. ‎  That move has enormous potential and introduces great battle plan potential, by pushing a target into a breath attack path and also eliminating the counter attack. ‎  This makes monks a really great class despite their lower melee attributes, but the fact that their pushback counterattacks open them up to more frontal assault severely limits their use.

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