Dark Souls

Oh! I'm about level 36 too :) i'm in Blighttown too. It hadnt occured to me that the 'brigand' armour has good poison resistance, if you can beat the drakes.

Are you a fighter or a caster or? ‎  Blinky_hover_west


Nasty ghost

i got 4 humanity items off her.


Im level 45 now, just quit last night after my first encounter with the wolf boss. ‎  It sure seems like a nod at our good friend weissvulf.

tell me this wasnt added to the game in john's honor!

- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Ha, a fun thought, but I would be amazed if anyone at From knew I existed. They would more likely give a nod to you or Tom after having seen Dark Destiny or Maunstraut. I wish my wolf looked that good!

The snake man definitely seems Widda inspired. Bob

Had it been named red wolf instead of gray then we would have known for sure ;)
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Okay, finally got the game, Limited Edition and all! Too bad I've got no PS3 to play it on yet. Rofl

I hooked up a second ps3 i bought off someone at work, created a new char on that, may keep him low to help friends beat some lower level bosses.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Guyra havent you an xbox 360? Its released on that, too.

(2011-10-21, 12:05 PM)Verdite link Wrote:Guyra havent you an xbox 360? Its released on that, too.
I just got me an Xbox360 yesterday, actually. ;) Anyway, I wanted the PS3 version because, well... KF has always been PS, so that just felt more right for me. Movingeyes

Well I can tell you the game has areas that push the hardware on both systems, Ive heard the xbox is much more susceptible to frame rate issues though.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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