Dark Souls II trailer

It's getting closer to release and we've just gotten our first official trailer:


Now I'm typically against pre orders and day 1 purchases but if Dark Souls II is even half the game that the first was then the money would definitely be well spent. I'd quite like to have that soundtrack disk. My only issue is not knowing what platform to buy it on. Personally I'd prefer PC however my laptop broke recently and I'm uncertain if the computer I'm using right now would meet the minimum requirements. On the other hand I would likely be able to play online. Or I could just buy it for the Xbox 360. I'd know it would work without problem but I'm unwilling to pay for the Xbox live gold membership so online play would likely never happen. I'm not sure. It's a tough choice.

Messages In This Thread
Dark Souls II trailer - by Auric - 2014-01-23, 10:14 AM
Re: Dark Souls II trailer - by StolenBattenberg - 2014-01-23, 12:24 PM
Re: Dark Souls II trailer - by Auric - 2014-01-23, 08:55 PM

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