Dark Souls


Looks like a DS clone, not alot to find out about it just yet.

Interesting trailer though.

Tehere is one enormous improvement that is worth mentioning...unlike demon's souls, this game is reportedly going to have a seamless environment in the spirit of KF2 and 3 where you dont have loading times/"stages" and the game is free roaming and not linear. ‎  Demon's Souls was basically a central hub where you warped to different levels rather than having a contiguous environment.

I will likely buy it blindly as I enjoyed DS heh...though I have bought and sold the game twice, so weird...
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

How difficult would it be to add a first person perspective to this game? If from could do this, there would be tears of joy for all kf fans "kingsufuuriedo!" could probably be heard in the north pole.

Game is up for preorder. Everyone who does gets the Limited Edition, as pictured below, without having to pay extra. :)

[Image: Dark-Souls-Pack-Contents.jpg]

Very tempted...

Would anyone play online?

Personally, I'm not much of an online player. I quite simply prefer playing single player. :)

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