FYI: Fonts and stuff

I've been working on a PAUSE extension lately which is really down to just very minor details, and anyway I noticed tonight the font that is favored by Som for nearly if not everything is actually ?? ?? (Mincho) ...which I mention because I've had the impression Som preferred MS Gothic (?? ????) ...which the tools very well may, but the latest patched exe anyway is Mincho based... or at least intended to be. If you like the look of Gothic I think Windows might fall back to it if Mincho is not installed.

This PAUSE extension really touches on so many aspects of Som it's really cracked open a lot of different avenues. Todd was able to help me sort out why it is most of you (you know who you are) have probably been unsuccessful with the Ex extension addons or whatever. You can get the idea from here ( if you're remotely interested (the ATL security bit) but anyway rest assured it's working and coming to a game near and dear to you asap. So full circle on the subject of fonts, if you don't like Mincho or whatever anyway, thanks to the PAUSE work, choosing a different menu/default font to your liking should be very simple.

PS: I wonder why on earth / how long for Unicode (Japanese^) has not been working.

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