Fallen By The Way Adds and Textures

I made a lava waterfall I call lavafall for FBTW and wanted to share it with all whom would like John's Waterfall with lava texture it works and looks fantastic enjoy, more to come:)

(1) Put blnk.txr into your object MODEL folder (If you have the waterfall you should already have this).
(2) Put lava003.txr and LavaFall00001.mdo into your object MODEL folder.
(3) Put the lavafall.prf in you object PROOF folder.
(4) Be sure to set the lava fall up in the parameter as it will now be an available model.
Default size is 1.0 but can be enlarged just as the waterfall to add a fiery cliff side or a fire cave or such.
Happy Modeling.

Attached Files
.txr   Blnk.txr (Size: 48.02 KB / Downloads: 258)
.txr   lava003.txr (Size: 65.02 KB / Downloads: 265)
.prf   LavaFall.prf (Size: 108 bytes / Downloads: 254)
.mdo   LavaFall00001.mdo (Size: 45.05 KB / Downloads: 260)

very nice adding this to my game tonight.

- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Just posting some progress pictures. Finally got the lighthouse completed in two maps..Whew!! I posted a red waterfall the other day (sorry about the wrong terminoligy) but if any one wants any of the objects or textures in any pics I post , please just ask and I will Post them , Happy modeling:)

Attached Files
.jpg   LH Switch Door Closed.JPG (Size: 71.06 KB / Downloads: 448)
.jpg   LH Switch Door Open.JPG (Size: 73.75 KB / Downloads: 437)

This is cool.

I am glad you are going the route of customizing your game.

For those who will just be using the graphics that came with SOM, I still applaud you for making your games...I just wanted to point out that I think what is being done here is really neat and will add personal flavor to your game.

Dark Destiny at last count has roughly 240 custom objects and about 15-20 custom items...I hope people find that they enhanced the game when they play it.

When I am done with the game I will release a download pack for all the custom objects if people would like to use them.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Sorry if this is a double copy of my last post but I attached the wrong file Doh any way if it's not then here is my "Lava water" 2 map pieces that match my "Lava fall" object. All the parts are included in the RAR file and are in the right folders, any questions hit me up, they use parts number 990 and 991 but can be renamed to suit your needs in the parts editor. happy modeling

Attached Files
.rar   Lava Water.rar (Size: 121.79 KB / Downloads: 227)
.jpg   Lava Water.JPG (Size: 202.83 KB / Downloads: 442)

Why I would Be Honored, and thank you, I was hoping you or Todd would do just that... Speaking of that, with your hex locating skills , do you think you could find the area of the file that has the embedded sound AU file? Ya see with this in mind it would be possible to create invisable enemies or npcs with constant sound. And the good thing about that is (A) one can have way more than just the small choice of 15 sound files if one is creative with thier events.(B) one can have stationary objects with constant sound IE the waterfall in kings 1 US. Where as you can close to the waterfall the sound got louder and was constant as long as you are there. I want to incorperate that in my title and help create some awesome parts for the entire community. so do you think we can find the area, if we do I am sure with clever hex editing , one could alter or change embeded sound files, Yes? ‎  The first one I would change is the death of the snake . Awesome enemy, but it sounds like a bad burp when it dies...... Come on we can do better I think:)

Attached Files
.jpg   Burp.JPG (Size: 16.62 KB / Downloads: 844)

hmm thats a great idea!

im gonna look into that right now!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

ok im halfway there...this is kinda weird though.

the enemy .prf holds the sound effects for sure, they are at the end of the file.

here is the kicker though...somewhere in that mess of enemy.prm the actual project data also holds a copy of the references.

so there is going to be more to getting this working for folks who are already knee deep in their game.

say i take 0052.prf (the termite/ant enemy)

one of the sounds it uses is sound effect 47 which in hex is 2F. ‎  so i find there are 3 references of this sound effect in the file...one when its standing there and probably a couple when its moving.

so i overwrote it with a custom copy of sound effect 0536 which is the ocean sound. ‎  i renamed it 0099.SND since that slot was open and easy for me to manipulate (it looks like som may have dedicated the first 99 sound effects to enemies...so i stuck with it).

so everywher if ound 2F in the profile i began to overwrite it with 63 which is the hex equivalent of 99.

I saved and tested and nothing happened! ‎  Thats because that enemy model was already registered in the enemy data file the project itself was using.

So I am going to make a blank enemy copy of the termite enemy and load the cascade noise to it since thats a noisy creature!

When I am done I will upload the file and see if it works for you!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

OK here are the files for the continuous waterfall.

Keep in mind you will have to make the 'termite' enemy fixed. ‎  He is invisible (load the blank.txr) so you wont have to worry about that...though you will want to be sure he has max hit points and max defense so he is never accidentally killed.

I may make one of these for the bubbling water sound effect as well...more to come.

If there are requests let me know.

Attached Files
.prf   0052a.prf (Size: 608 bytes / Downloads: 249)
.txr   blank.txr (Size: 192.02 KB / Downloads: 259)
.snd   0099.snd (Size: 58.49 KB / Downloads: 254)
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Sweet thanks Todd I am gonna try this out , I will let you if it works well for me, if it does I will work on "river effects" and lava sound effects to match my set.. Then I will tackle the belching reptile:)

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