Fighting Fantasy...DS game may be worth playing for KF fans.

...or anyone with a PC with decent muscle could probably check it out using no$gba as the emulator, and the rom (which was easy to find) for those non DS owners. ‎ 

Dual core runs the emulator fine. ‎  Pentium 2Gb does not.

Speaking of Pentium 2Gb, I've been performing CPR on it for over 30 minutes. ‎  (my lips feel tingly)
I'm typing from the office computer instead. ‎  I just gave up on it for the night.

[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Fighting Fantasy...DS game may be worth playing for KF fans. - by Hguols - 2009-12-17, 05:14 AM

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