Formerly: The Remix DoM Project!?! Now general KF discourse.

I have a question... do you think it is appropriate to question the wisdom of KF's lack of a dark magic alignment (did KFIV have one?? I can't recall)

Is really, any type of magic more or less unholy in KF? And does that make the non-holy-magic users heretics to the holy empire or whatever? Or is the Holy magic really just Light magic, and the protagonists peoples culture just considers Light Holy? Holiness is relative after all is it not? Of course this is all standard RPG fair... if anything, KF not having a Dark alignment is virtually a novelty. But sometimes it seems to create more problems than it's worth.

I assumed past games just lacked an explicit Dark alignment because it was considered a monster only characteristic (the Dark Slayer being a sort of odd man out... it's Dark stat hidden so to speak) ...But since SoM has no Dark alignment even for monsters, I dunno.

I have to wonder if that is a tradition worth upholding... but since the subject in here is DoM, which isn't KF persay... and since DoM is heavily cast in terms of light and dark... I'm considering making the Pierce ("Stab" via John) alignment Light, and the Holy alignment Dark. I don't think that would cause too many probs technically, because piercing weapons really don't factor into the game (especially without arrows) ...the only real prevalent pierce is Kayef's Arrow (aka Light Needle)

I'm thinking about withholding Kayef's Arrow until very late in the game anyway ironically... because it is such an abusable instrument. In DoM proper it doesn't even have Holy status actually (properties in front of me)

I'm also thinking to take out all the Rapiers except for the sword I will add to the Light Armor set, which will use a Rapier model. A Rapier in the traditional sense is really not a super useful weapon anyway unless you're aiming for specific targets.

Anyhow, I'm thinking about it~

PS: Of course technically, as I understand it, the Dark Slayer is the opposite of the Moonlight... so maybe the opposite of a one alignment sword is all the other alignments (which would include Dark if it exists) ...but what the hell do I know??? Twisted

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Formerly: The Remix DoM Project!?! Now general KF discourse. - by HolyDiver - 2009-05-02, 06:35 PM

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