How about we get this translated into Japanese?

Try this (

Probably the same vid.

The only hit statistics afaik would be provided by the webhost's cpanel, and I have not looked at them. The sites really not setup as a community portal. But we can change that.

I'm in a really anti-Google place right now. But I could setup a Google-Analytics tracker with the site, that could track that sort of information. There might be a better/more private alternative way however.


Not sure what you're planning. But I think you really should have a Beta period with DD. At least long enough for all of us to finish playing thru it / long enough for you to decide if it's all good.

When you think it's all there you can finalize the events, and pad all the text like I asked, so we can do a Japanese translation. Then we can really start the post-Beta marketing campaign. You could also think of using your DD release as a promotion for the website in general, because it's bound to draw some attention. And it probably wouldn't hurt to clean the website up as much as possible before really going public with DD.

PS: TYBR found this just now:

I cant tell from the craptastic google translation but it seems like they are saying they are not using SOM because its slow etc?

Either way, if they are or arent, it doesnt look far along at all.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

No, it's not SoM (sorry for not providing some insight)'s "SoM??" (SoM-like)

Just seemed like a funny thing to come across in 2009 *looks around*

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