From Software bought out...sad times.

- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Still exisiting though, only within a new company... Possibly? Sad though. It seems that From always were on the side, doing the development work and getting bigger companies to publish for them. Then when From got big suddenly, a company realised their potential and snatched them up... Along with our dreams! Irked

Anyway it looks like its down to us now. A Kings Field style game is going to come from me, for sure... Lets hope more follow suit.

Wow...end of an era. I've seen this happen all too often. Someone makes a fresh original company and as soon as it hits success, someone takes it over and the company disappears. Hopefully the Fromsoft team will still be kept together and free from cooperate interference.

Maybe if it were Square Enix or something, then I'd be worried. But Kadokawa has released a few good games, we'll just have to wait and see how this turns out.
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Oh no... Please tell me this is some sort of really, really mean joke! FromSoft are in many ways my entire inspiration for getting into the games development industry... I knew something like this would happen, but I lied to myself saying it wouldn't... I guess we know there's no chance of a future King's Field game now. All we can hope for is that FromSoft don't get destined to keep releasing the same crap over and over...

Ive read several sites about this as it troubled me at first a great deal...from what I gather it is not a company take over and replacement, the parent company actually is not supplying any developers, they are merely acting as a publisher/money source to fund new games. ‎  This could be good news. ‎  The lead director at From Software has been quoted saying he will remain in his position and have more assets at his disposal so they can maintain multiple game franchises at the same time - who knows...maybe they will branch off and try a KF game again someday.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

This certainly dose sound scary... but if what Todd says is true then this seems to be a good thing. Guess we'll have to wait until the dust settles to see how it turns out.

It would be wonderful if it turned out that way Todd.

(2014-05-01, 04:45 AM)dmpdesign link Wrote:Ive read several sites about this as it troubled me at first a great deal...from what I gather it is not a company take over and replacement, the parent company actually is not supplying any developers, they are merely acting as a publisher/money source to fund new games. ‎  This could be good news. ‎  The lead director at From Software has been quoted saying he will remain in his position and have more assets at his disposal so they can maintain multiple game franchises at the same time - who knows...maybe they will branch off and try a KF game again someday.

From Software did say that a few years ago. ‎  (that they'd like to return to King's Field)
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Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

One of the biggest reasons I doubt there will be another KF game is that Agetec appears to have gone out of business. As it says in the fine print, Agetec owns the US copyrights to KF. I doubt the King's Field name has enough draw to where From would bother to untangle the Agetec copyright legalities and release another installment. I think the DS series is Fromsoft's continuation of the KF series, just under a new brand name.


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