GOOD NEWS UPDATE: The mother of all cracks!

My Windows XP doesn't have an option to do a dump for the process. Any ideas for an external tool that can do the same? I could probably track one down eventually.

Todd: It's really not as hard as it sounds (assuming I'm understanding correctly). Variables like HP and MP are stored as a number in a specific location (address) in memory. He's just trying to find out where those locations are so he can use them to trigger stuff in the game.

For instance, if your current HP was 999 you would search the dump for the number 03 e7 which in 999 in hex. Sometimes numbers will be reversed in a dump as in e7 03. There may be more than one location where that number appears in the dump so to confirm that it's actually HP's location, you change the HP then redump and look for the changed value in a location that previously had 999 in it.

Most people don't know that Windows default calculator can easily convert between decimal (normal base 10) numbers and hex (base 16). Just go to view>scientific. Type in a number and mark either Hex or Dec to convert a number back and forth.

If you (Todd) have Vista, you might be able to do the dump test better than me. The member IvanhoeHiltop here was writing to me a long while ago about creating cheat code by this same process so he might be of help in this procedure too.

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GOOD NEWS UPDATE: The mother of all cracks! - by HwitVlf - 2009-05-23, 06:26 AM

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