I am down for the count, need some assistance

I'm assuming you have in your possession both the chalice and the bracelet.

WEll, let the hints begin:

1. Chalice of Hermes: all I will say is that this item is a VERY critical one for finishing the game. Here's the hint: when you get to the beginning of the final area, it will be very obvious what you need to do with it.

2. Bracelet of Alchemy: This one I have not figured out yet. Based on its description, it seems that it might have to do with those spirits floating around everywhere. This is not a hint, but a hunch I have.

3 and 4. Pedestal in earth realm (and key in Water realm): This one drove me crazy too, until I found the item. From your description, it seems you already know where it is (I guess this statement counts as a hint). Here's a hint: You need to trigger something in order for the gate to be unlocked so you can open it.

5. Can you elaborate on what you mean by the "original area"?

Messages In This Thread
I am down for the count, need some assistance - by Naldyc5 - 2009-04-06, 03:24 AM

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