I need a custom door proof of concept

I did some more tests with the wooden swinging door.

It doesn't have different values in the two sets of 3d location coordinates. But I can see what animation it is doing and a timer while it is waiting to begin closing. But the time of the animation is nowhere nearby.

It has a box shape, or it should if doors are like other objects PRF wise. It has all 3 dimensions filled out. Still with a 0 sized player radius, its pretty obvious that the clipping follows a cylindrical shape. A very pronounced one at that, which is not centered. In other words one side of the door will not let you get as close.

But what is weird is I can walk inside the door from the sides. I don't think any other kind of object would allow you to do that. And also I can slip behind the cylinder by coming at the sides from an angle, but still not go through the door.

To me all of this suggests that there is probably something to the control points in the doors. Or at the very least a complex shape is being used where it depends on which side of the door you are on.

Finally while the door is moving the cylinder seems to move with it. I don't think that can be done without a base CP or making some broad assumptions about the door animations.

Messages In This Thread
Re: I need a custom door proof of concept - by HolyDiver - 2013-04-11, 03:19 AM

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