I need a custom door proof of concept

I was thinking, I wonder if the door system is robust enough to do a drawbridge. That is a door that opened vertically and swept things out of the way.

In which case if so, it stands to reason that you could make an object that could represent steps. Or rather a ramp. Which would be pretty handy, because the current solution I've seen games using is making each individual step an object. And A) that's really not fun to do. And B) the steps are going to be really bumpy, instead of proper steps you can walk up as an incline.

Not to mention that you're tempted to skimp by making the steps cyclopean since that is less work and keeps the object count lower. Never mind that each step must be processed individually.

Messages In This Thread
Re: I need a custom door proof of concept - by HolyDiver - 2013-05-06, 06:11 AM

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