Ok, so i just started playing Dark Destiny, really liking it so far...but im at the part in the beginning where i just got the Earth Crystal from the cave, where the guy says hell give you the key to the city but winds up really not doing it :p...anyways, the crystal says "Magic Learned" when you obtain it and you get the support magic "Earth Heal"...I have 44 mp, and my magic i think is at 18 right now. My character lvl is 11...Under my bar for attack wait, the MP bar isnt there. I know theres supposed to be a blue bar but there isnt. And when i click to use the magic it just leaves the menu screen, but never will cast it?
Am i missing something here? This is the only spell i have, and it wont cast!
EDIT: I figured it out actually, you have to get the fire crystal from the lighthouse and learn an offensive magic spell in order to gain the blue magic bar before you can cast any of the defensive magic spells.
It has been forever since ive played kings field, when i was younger i LOVED Kings field 1 and 2 for ps one. I played them non-stop and even my email since i was 15 years old (im now 21) has been [email protected]. :]
Id just like to say that the Sword of moonlight tool, and especially Dark Destiny, are both really nice to see out for the public. It really took me back to the golden days of gaming, where games were still a challenge, and you still really got into the role of the character instead of the new games where it just feels as if you are running someone else to their goal. Dark Destiny actually inspired me, and i got on Amazon today and ordered a psone console, memory card, and kings field 1 and 2. Im excited to finally play through them again! :]
Anyways, I guess im trying to say thanks for Dark Destiny, DMP Designs. It's really an incredible game, and it seems almost as if im playing all of the kings fields at once.
Am i missing something here? This is the only spell i have, and it wont cast!
EDIT: I figured it out actually, you have to get the fire crystal from the lighthouse and learn an offensive magic spell in order to gain the blue magic bar before you can cast any of the defensive magic spells.
It has been forever since ive played kings field, when i was younger i LOVED Kings field 1 and 2 for ps one. I played them non-stop and even my email since i was 15 years old (im now 21) has been [email protected]. :]
Id just like to say that the Sword of moonlight tool, and especially Dark Destiny, are both really nice to see out for the public. It really took me back to the golden days of gaming, where games were still a challenge, and you still really got into the role of the character instead of the new games where it just feels as if you are running someone else to their goal. Dark Destiny actually inspired me, and i got on Amazon today and ordered a psone console, memory card, and kings field 1 and 2. Im excited to finally play through them again! :]
Anyways, I guess im trying to say thanks for Dark Destiny, DMP Designs. It's really an incredible game, and it seems almost as if im playing all of the kings fields at once.