Keep SwordofMoonlight dot com alive

#1 was launched in October of 2008 and this year marks the 10th anniversary of the online resource being continuously online and providing users with a place to learn, build and share their SoM experiences. ‎  Several great games have resulted from the collaborative and talented efforts of the members here and I am happy to say new members are still signing up and taking up the flame of creativity.

Though it pains me to say it, the forum does not get the use it once did and the rising cost of pro membership hosting via over the years (originally $19.99 annually and now in excess of $250 a year) has made me question renewing the domain in 2018. ‎  As I look through the thousands of posts and archives I just can't pull the plug on the site at this time but am asking the community to contribute donations to help keep the site running for years to come.

Many may ask why all of a sudden I ask for this after hosting for 10 years...those who know me personally have heard that times have been increasingly difficult for me the past couple of years making a living as a self-employed game designer. ‎  Since 2013 I have been self-employed doing freelance work with several game studios, work which at times pays very little. ‎  These past 2 years have seen many challenges in my life monetarily, and my spending on hobbies and non-essentials has been reduced dramatically. ‎  $250 a year may not seem like much but I am at a point where every penny counts.

If you decide to donate I will find some method to honor those who have given and possibly give you some type of reward in the future.

I appreciate your consideration for donation throughout the 2018-2019 year ahead.

- DMPDesign

Note to donate you can visit this paypal link:
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Thank you all who have donated and raised concern. ‎  Let me be clear, the site has been renewed already through October 2019, so it is not going away whether or not it is paid for by donation. ‎  We had some outage yesterday after I sent the mass email out because I was not allowed to send that many messages via the ipower host, so it should all be resolved and behind us now.

At this point around $90 has been raised in about 24 hours, so thank you folks who donated, I will do my best to match the payment notifications to the individual members so I can give them public thanks somehow.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Just an update, I wanted to thank everyone for the support that has since trickled in from my last post. ‎  As it stands the site cost for this upcoming year's hosting is pretty much paid for, so a sincere thank you to you all who donated. ‎  I will try to get a list of supporters together somewhere on the site as a thank you for your contribution.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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