King's Field III {spoilers, conspiracies, and more!}


King Alfred's spirit does not speak with Lyle in the evil ending of KFII(us)

It's worth noting that in "Vallad's" story, there is no god to represent fire.

Does anybody know where Orladin and Leon went off to?

Does Vallad have any other dialogue after he sends you away with the Ichrius armor?

What's up with Merril Ur and why does Light regard him as a villain, whilst praising him at the same time for thwarting Guyra's resurrection in the Royal Cemetery...

More contradictions!

It would be cool to compile a complete list of Truth Glass descriptions.

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Re: King's Field III {spoilers, conspiracies, and more!} - by Xethuminra - 2014-08-16, 05:48 AM

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