King's Field Side-scroller? Yay or Nay?

hey guys! just updating to let everyone know that I have NOT forgotten about this project; I've just been a bit busy with my first project... And after counting characters, realized I sit at over 400, and this doesn't even include monsters. O_O

needless to say, that's a LOT of pixels to sling; seeing as all those 400+ characters need animations for walking, fighting, etc... and then I have to plug those animations into a program and add coordinates to each frame... yada yada~

it'll take a little time, yes. but once I'm done, it's right back to work on my King's Field side-scroller! and now that my editor has the needed capabilities, I SHOULD (keyword, 'should') be able to show something resembling gameplay once I get back to work on it! (and I may be able to show something of my beat-em-up game in the near future as well! XD)

will update more as time/life/progress allows. Hope everyone had a happy holiday season, and stay well, fellow Fielders!

*ill-fated is the wind that does not blow a single mind*

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Re: King's Field Side-scroller? Yay or Nay? - by vongrimmsy0 - 2016-01-15, 03:13 AM

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