2015-11-09, 03:10 AM
Big Yay. That looks very cool and very fresh to kings field

King's Field Side-scroller? Yay or Nay?
2015-11-09, 04:54 AM
![]() ![]() though I obviously wouldn't be able to use the King's Field name... -_- on that point -- does anyone know how one would go about purchasing said publishing rights...? I've poked around on the Internet a bit, but can't find much solid info on the topic; I also am unsure of who I'd even contact in this case -- From Software? that's my best guess... ![]() the group making River City Ransom: Underground (a group of RCR fans, in fact) recently did something similar, by purchasing the rights for their game; the first RCR game was released about 20 years ago, if memory serves, and King's Field itself isn't much younger. so it IS possible that I could use the KF name. maybe. ![]() hopefully... ![]()
*ill-fated is the wind that does not blow a single mind*
2015-11-10, 01:03 AM
I really hope you can get permission of kings field. But anyway good luck.
2015-11-10, 09:51 AM
thanks again, and I really hope I can use the name too!
![]() hopefully the developers will have some input on the subject... ~_~ and if all else fails, I have an alternate name in mind. but yeah - I'll update on how things went once this has all gone down~! ![]()
*ill-fated is the wind that does not blow a single mind*
2015-12-08, 03:02 PM
Okay, update time!
![]() So, the local developer thing fell through before it even started; it was a friend of a friend who develops SOFTWARE (not games) for computers/mobile, and was curious about my project - that's as far as it went with them -_-|| BUT -- good news elsewhere, however; I've just recently heard from my programming friend, and (should things pan out as he thinks they will) he plans to have the next iteration of our project's level/game creating software done by the end of next week! While I intend to resume work on my primary project (the beat-em-up game mentioned elsewhere in this thread), I DO plan on continuing to work on this secondary endeavor as well~! ![]() Other than that, I don't have much else to report. Life and holidays have kept me busy! ![]()
*ill-fated is the wind that does not blow a single mind*
2015-12-15, 05:04 AM
yup, it sure does - I was led to believe this person made games, and then found out that they know literally nothing about making games; pretty lame.
![]() but the project will carry on regardless! (and my original programmer has since resurfaced - so it's not even much of an issue! ![]() and thanks for the well wishes; happy holidays to you as well~! ![]()
*ill-fated is the wind that does not blow a single mind*
2016-01-15, 03:13 AM
hey guys! just updating to let everyone know that I have NOT forgotten about this project; I've just been a bit busy with my first project... And after counting characters, realized I sit at over 400, and this doesn't even include monsters. O_O
needless to say, that's a LOT of pixels to sling; seeing as all those 400+ characters need animations for walking, fighting, etc... and then I have to plug those animations into a program and add coordinates to each frame... yada yada~ it'll take a little time, yes. but once I'm done, it's right back to work on my King's Field side-scroller! and now that my editor has the needed capabilities, I SHOULD (keyword, 'should') be able to show something resembling gameplay once I get back to work on it! (and I may be able to show something of my beat-em-up game in the near future as well! XD) will update more as time/life/progress allows. Hope everyone had a happy holiday season, and stay well, fellow Fielders!
*ill-fated is the wind that does not blow a single mind*
2021-08-12, 12:39 AM
So I'm back at last, and resurrecting this thread from a 5-year death. A lot has happened since I've been here last, some good, some bad, but it's all been taken in stride. I have another kid now, for one, and he has obviously kept me and the wife busier than normal since this is our second... The first is 11 now, and she can actually help with the little one, but still...! ![]() That aside, I HAVE been recently working on this project as time has allowed, and I've actually come upon a solution to not having a friend to program for me - Pixel Game Maker MV. It employs simplified 'block logic' to construct all the actions within the engine, and provides a rather robust number of options for what I'm trying to accomplish here, albeit with a bit of a steep-ish learning curve; pretty much everything needs to be constructed from scratch... But I'm slogging through, and have finished a handful of monsters (and I'm certain with the way I've constructed their AI, that most players will hate them ![]() It'll STILL be a while yet before I can call this all finished (please keep in mind, I'm doing 100% of everything, all by my lonesome), BUT the chance of me releasing a demo in the coming months has increased exponentially. I'll keep you guys posted, and will try to do something about getting some test shots put up here!
*ill-fated is the wind that does not blow a single mind*
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