Kings Field 1 - Pickup Glitch

So, I can't pick up items with the action button unless I just spam it. Does this on Keyboard or just doesn't register most of the time. Now, the action button always works on everything else, just can't grab items from the Yes/No prompt after opening a chest or barrel. I have to just, keep pressing it until it works.

Signs and Doors work on the first try.

This is one of the hundreds of bugs in SOM. Unfortunately the users on this site refused to use the modified version ( I've developed that fixes the bugs, so people like yourself are stuck with this old crappy Windows 95 version that only works for like 20% of people Smash2

It wouldn't be a big project to convert this game to using the modified version, but nobody has done it. If anyone wants to I have done a little bit of basic work on it, I can hand over those files to get a project started. The game itself is pretty crummy. It needs someone to play through it and fix its problems.

Thanks so much! Does it still have enough problems that I should just stick with the Ps1 version? Was that a link to your version? It just takes me to the "Extended Warranty Getting Started" page. Oh I just realized you're saying the game itself would need to use a modified version of SoM, not that you have a KF1 version you modified. I'm glad to know it's just a glitch though....I could not find anyone else mentioning this issue.

The original game is a better game. They're not substitutes for one another. I think very few people have played the SOM version, much less finished it. You want to play the PlayStation version of course. I'm making a faithful version of KF2 right now (;image) to showcase SOM. The KF version that comes with SOM isn't faithful to the original. It has all new and reinterpreted art that's somewhere between Shadow Tower and KFIV's style.

It's has a pretty rushed and unfinished feeling like it's more to demonstrate a SOM project than to be a proper game. By replicating KF the team didn't have to invent a new game and it makes it feel like SOM is for mainline KF games by making the fist a remake of KF, even if it's not at the quality level of a console title.

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