Merry Christmas!

I am curious how the quest line got stuck on 5?

The steps are:

1 find the lure for Jose
2 retrieve celffy's sack of goods
3 the widda mutation ritual
4 mystery of orladin and the archmages

it upsets me greatly to think i screwed this up somehow as it is one of the biggest parts of the game as far as what it reveals about the overall history of the island/orladin etc.

reading the widda sign shouldnt have been a solve that part of the quest you are supposed to recieve ‎  rubbing kit from JDO with a parchment and rubbing chalk in it that you use to make a rubbing of the incantation on the wall. ‎  once returned to him he mentions orladin which then leads you to speak with cassandra licht at the lagoon....who in turn tells you take the book to JDO, who mentions the dragon staff and so on.

Im not sure which parts you got to play but I definitely want to get this fixed.

Ill give you a hint on the harvine key...if you have gone to his throne room and triggered his should seek out Harvine nearby...he may now have a gift for you.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Messages In This Thread
Merry Christmas! - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-22, 08:25 PM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by HwitVlf - 2009-12-25, 04:11 AM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-25, 05:33 AM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by HwitVlf - 2009-12-27, 12:35 AM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by HwitVlf - 2009-12-27, 05:10 AM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by HwitVlf - 2009-12-27, 07:59 AM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-27, 02:42 PM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-27, 02:45 PM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by HwitVlf - 2009-12-27, 10:45 PM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by HwitVlf - 2009-12-27, 11:48 PM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-28, 02:45 AM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-28, 04:00 AM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-28, 01:59 PM
Re: Merry Christmas! - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-28, 02:00 PM

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