Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins

[b]Here[/b] is a link the latest v0.2 how-to. It also includes translations of some Metasequoia plugins and basic info on how to use Keynote. So it could be useful for people interested in Keynote more than Sword of Moonlight. Additional translated plugins are listed below including Keynote.

Here are some additional translated Metasequoia plugins (batch#1).
‎  UVPowerUnwrap was already in English, but some of the directions in its readme are translated. Home
‎  EasyUV gives a control panel for better control when moving UVs around. Home
‎  KeepUV gives a simple control panel that lets you 'keep' UV shape when you reshape a mesh. Home
‎  StitchUV(under "Selected") joins close UVs just like 'Join Close Vertices' does for vertices. Home
‎  ROKImport lets you import ROK models made in HexaGreat (2D to 3D model maker). Home

Here are some additional translated Metasequoia plugins (batch#2):
‎  Pipe lets you draw a 'framework' with lines, then extrudes a pipe tree along the lines. For pipeworks, or maybe trees. Home
‎  Multi-Bevel extrudes selected faces with various taper and division options Home
‎  Loop is a 5 function plugin Home:
‎  ‎  ‎  Select a full line, Make a hole in a face, Flatten multiple faces to point in the same direction,
‎  ‎  ‎  Select all polygons surrounding the current polygon(s), Make a rectangular face into a perfect square.

Here are some additional/updated translated Metasequoia plugins (batch#3) including a new version of KEYNOTE.
‎  Keynote update v0.0.4.4 for making animated models in Metasequoia
‎  Make Anchor update for making anchors.
‎  AnimatedX Export translation update with a a few new errors translated.
‎  PMD/PMX ‎  Export which lets you export animated models to MikuMikuDance format.
‎  ‎  All brought to you by the genius at MQDL Home

Here is an additional translated Metasequoia plugin (batch#4):
‎  'Create Polygon On Surface' lets you draw new polygons on an existing polygon. Home
Here is a translated tool that can sometimes fix broken Keynote animations- Home

Here are two translated Metasequoia plugins (batch#5):
‎  'PolyCounter' adds a new Panel that show the current polygon/vertex count.
‎  'Keynote Serial Save' adds a new "Save As" option that lets you save each keyframe from a Keynote animation as a separate non-animated MQO model.

Here is a set of plugins made by Siobi, who graciously released English versions for us! You can hover the mouse over the pictures on his site for an English description of what the plugins do.

Keynote -
‎  In this thread, there is some very helpful Keynote information (a huge thanks to AirFlamesRed!)
‎  Here is a document with information about Keynote controlls.
‎  Here is a Japanese site with lots of Keynote tips. -Click squares to the right of "Mikoto TIPS"

Metasequoia -
‎  Below are some "tutorial" sites for Metasequoia. The information might be good for beginners or have a few new tips for 'old-pros':
‎  grumpyrarab
‎  skribblerz
‎  cutfoldpaste
‎  Metasequoia Menu v1.0 Page 1 / Page2 / Page 3 ‎  (Download Complete Tutorial / Home)
‎  Video's by Verdite: Head modeling 1 & 2, Monster modeling & texturing
‎  Utilizators

3D Modeling Resources -
‎  Itchy Lighting tutorials - some very good information about how to use light. ‎  ‎ 
‎  3D modeling tutorials- link goes to especially comprehensive human modeling tutorial.
‎ Plants and Flowers textures and reference resource.
‎ ‎  Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Shrooms, Insects and Plants reference resource.
‎ General Textures and references.
‎ General Textures, well organized and specifically geared to 3D modeling.
‎  New York Metropolitan Museum database with pictures and descriptions for thousands of ancient artifacts.

HexaGreat - (aka HexaSuper aka Rokkaku-Daioh)
‎  flad2d has tutorial links and download for this program that takes 2D 'drawing' and makes it into a 3D ROK model.

If anyone has other tutorial site links, post here and I'll add them. Or if anyone has a Metasequoia plugin they want in English.

Thanks to Verdite for finding the Metasequoia keynote plugin by the way :)

I understand this quite well. I look forward to mick's compatibility intergration for metaseq. Tried the test model in keynote for a test but x2mdl couldnt handle it.

Cant wait to make my own krakens ;)

Any news on the new x2mdl?

Just read most of the new posts on x2mdl in's forum. I'm trying to at least get a basic grasp on this, although i havent actually hexed or taken apart any programme in my life, so its all a bit fuzzy, but i have to start somewhere. Dazed

You're really hitting this head on, and i think thats awesome. I'd like to contribute more, but alot of my creative or intellectual energy goes into designing and making assets ‎  Wink

I downloaded these files, firstly, mikoto wont open the coffin, but keynote is fine...

Secondly, will there be a metaseq tutorial or starter guide coming our way? I havent used bones before. Feeling a bit powerless :)

Keynote has a pop-up menu that isn't easy to find. Access it by pressing 'G' while Keynote is active. It lets you set coordinates for joints and other neat stuff.

Hi guys
First post here. I was drawn in by the keynote translation, so thanks very much to HwitVLF for that. Now, I shouldn't have to bother with the quite bewildering blender - thanks once again.
The normal bones are straight forward enough, though I can't get any results with weight of vertex so I would be gratefull for any pointers on that. The constraint bones seem to be dependent on the code in the bump chanel, of all places. Still looking into that one.
So I don't appear as a freddie Freeloder here ; If there's anything I can offer back (I'm guessing you guys are more than familiar with metasequoia) perhaps models - just shout.
many thanks

Ah great I did try adding weight to the anchor so Ill give that another go. I did notice that although you have to start with a cube for the anchor you can ‎  then subdivide and reshape.
For years I had wondered why WOVertex was in meta at all and only recently learnt it ‎  worked with patch spline 1/2

Is it easy enough to edit the xml files? I tried with the boolean - no joy

OK Weight of vertex update
Tick 'revise top weight' under option
WOV should be added to bdef mesh verts. Won't work on sdef mesh
They only seem to work where two anchor cubes overlap

Freddie Freeloader - I got it from Miles Davis - don't know where he got it from.


To be honest I had keynote a while ago and took it off through frustration so your translation has been a real godsend. I don't really do animation cause I have enough on my plate with meta and terragen 2 but I shall keep you posted with any findings.
Is meta the weapon of choice around here then? It does seem to cover MMD and the paper folding folks communities quite well.
I asume you know that meta development has moved to V3 (alpha atm) and will include sculpting tools (ala sculptris). I guess its not much use for you guys but at least its looking like it has some sort of future. Its available for download on the b site. Its just a shame its so hard to comunicate ‎  back to Mr Mizno cause this is such a good app for all levels of modeling (and I'v tried most of them)


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