NPC and Enemy models

Thats fine John - I now see what you were saying, and how to fit the game. I may well put something together on align verts and such if you think that maybe of use to folks
Do we have an official SOM skeleton, cause I have some ideas on some characters? Is there a limit to the number of chacters?

there is a dog skeleton here:

and as for the human, you can rip of the skeleton of my skeleton:
the skeleton was made by John and I made the model but I've changed it since and added textures so feel free to use it as you wish.

There's not an 'official' skeleton that everyone has agreed on. I think you can transfer animations between model by simply resizing an animated skeleton to fit the new model- as long as you don't add/delete any objects/bones.

I just finished up new humanoid skeleton based on standard human proportions. I think tweaking it to match a model would save time over creating a skeleton from scratch, but I haven't completely tested it yet. You can get it here if it's of any use.

SoM has a limit of 128 characters (NPCs) per map and a maximum of 64 maps. There's no limit to how many characters can be listed in the editors though; the editors list all the available models and you chose which ones to place on the map. :) ‎ 

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