Bugs Still in Game!

I am using version 1.07 and here are the bugs I have come across:

More so than not, if I ?run? up just about any small set of stairs (the one?s in King Harvine?s Castle, the set in the water where you defeat the demon for the water crystal)I fall through them and die. However, if I ?walk? up them I never fall through. There?s nothing worse than battling and besting an epic beast and then being slayed by the ?deadly stairs.? lol

Whenever I load my game, after quitting completely and restarting the actual game, it resets my game time back to 0. Only once has it continued my game time. If I play continuously though, it will keep track of my game time correctly until I exit the game. It also sets my magic equip to fireball just about every time I load my game.

There are numerous areas, too many to list, where I have fallen through something to my death, usually during my search for a secret passage. I?m sure you?re aware of this, which is why it?s a good idea to save very often.

Sometimes when I use the aquarion boots to get to the undersea palace I had to ?equip? AND ?use? the boots. ‎  Sometimes I was able to just ?use? the boots and it worked. I figured I would just throw this out there because my first thought would be to ?equip? the boots, not ?use? them. It took me a while before I realized the boots were also in my item inventory so this might be a little confusing for some people.

Sometimes, while standing in shallow water and I re-equip my boots to anything other than the aquarion boots, I die. Not a big deal (how many people change their boots while standing in water, except for me, because that?s when I realize; ?hey, I?m still wearing my aquarion boots, I better put my golem boots back on.?)

After defeating the ice wizard in the coliseum, I was unable to retrieve the gladiator sword. I tried leaving the area and coming back too. I think what caused this glitch was me retrieving the gladiator gauntlets AFTER killing the ice wizard and then trying to get the sword. Each battle rewards you a piece of armor you can get BEFORE the next round starts, except for the last battle. ‎  I didn?t duplicate the bug but when I reloaded my game I retrieved the sword first, then the gauntlets and everything went smoothly.

Thanks for the great game. Can't wait to finish it.

The Aquarian Boots just need to be used. Equipping/unequipping them should have no effect at all. And they only work on a few special water tiles, which have a different colour if you pay attention (edited: if it isn't obvious, there are actually two different items... the boots being there just if you actually want to wear them. Probably you need to [re]use the boots once per map)

Falling thru the floor is just one of Som's charms. We could all go on a crusade to fix all the map tiles that can cause that, but it's not too likely to happen anytime soon (just an empirical assessment)

The clock thing is a Som bug. I'll be releasing a new Ex patch for DD soon, which I suggest your install if you plan to keep playing the game. In the next patch anyway an extension has been added to remove the clock from the menus... just so the game can feel that much less buggy. It will be a while before the clock can be properly fixed, but that will probably happen one day.

The Gladiator Sword is probably worth investigating... I wish you more success in persuading Todd to cleanup DD than I've had Evil

PS: Som can't do events based on what the player has equipped. Some day it will be possible to extend Som to do so, but it may be another year or so (tops)

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