New SoM Demo SeaGuard

Dusted off this demo and played through it again...Asus if youre out there, you really should finish it up, it was looking really good.

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- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Yup i'm still here

Playing through your demo has inspired me to start drafting plans for another SOM game (probably start it this summer).

Asus, I know you were having PC trouble working on your game, can we help you out in some way?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

yup i'll let you know soon but my only problem is I cant see the map or items or anything in the little editor screen. Sooo.. I cant tell if the bridge piece (for ex.) is lining up with the cliff of the item I want on the table is on the table of floating 2 feet above the table. The only way to tell what I have done is Place a table and the item then run the Preview project to see if i got it right. Doh I have to do it with EVERYTHING I place. So as you can see this is extremely frusterating and takes forever. Mad Any help would be Appreciated Greatly.

Im going to assume the issue with vista is you can't disable the directx 3d acceleration needed to make it work with the SOM map editor.

The only real work around I could suggest is getting an XP machine or an XP virtual machine to work on.

I may have a working XP box sitting around to donate to your cause if youd be interested, all I would ask is if you could help pay the shipping to get it to you. ‎  I think unfortunately the way microsoft has changed things with vista/7 and direct x its just getting far beyond the compatibility range for SOM.

I have a vista box myself, and the only way I was able to run SOM map editor was either through a VM session (which is not that hard really and I would be glad to help you get one set up) or by disabling the graphics card and forcing my pc to run on the integrated onboard chipset...which even then it was hit or miss.

The Virtual Machine (VM) remedy is actually not terribly difficult to get used to. ‎  You simply set up SOM as you have it now, somewhere on your Vista machine. ‎  You then create a virtual machine of xp which once inside, you map a 'network' drive as the hard drive on your vista machine and you run SOM from the xp VM against the SOM project that is hosted on your vista drive. ‎  this allows you to edit the map in xp, which is compatible with SOM since while in the virtual machine no direct x functionality is active (virtual machines dont recognize graphics cards/drivers). ‎  But what this also means is you would want to actually test what youve placed in vista so you can see what it looks like.

Email me and I will get you hooked up.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I already have virtual pc set up It's just a pain in the ass to transfer files to vista but it does work great for som. I have been doing emu's for so long I decided to set Virtual pc a couple nights ago. Thats when I discovered the No joystick prob and graphic issue but I will be setting up Vm workstation 5 shortly to see if that works better.

Joy2key should fix the joystick problem.

Has anyone tried using Rivatuner to disable video acceletration in Vista/7?
Supposedly 7/vista won't allow you to disable acceleration because it's needed for their fancy desktop scheme.
But A driver based utility might bypass the block. I'm boycotting 7 so I can't test Riva myself.

I will try this today and let you know the result!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

did the riva tuner work?

windows 7 machine has been on loan...getting it back tonight will test!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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