New board for this great new work in progress

I think its overdue...sorry for taking so long Xtremez.

Congrats on your own little area of!

If youd like, i can move all your major topics to this board to follow your game?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Sweet! :D

Hello all! Would love you to attach all the comments and msg's! There is alot of great things in the chain! Thanks for my own page! This is awesome.
As for the game...........ALL THE LEVEL MAPS ARE COMPLETE............its taken a year plus to do this...........13 levels, incredible mapping if i do say so myself........I still find the mapping grid, entirely too small, lol.........maps are huge! Still havnt made all the objects and items that I would like but........I've made myself a promise to learn Meta S............I'd rather do them in Bryce, and export as a DXF, then import to something else..........maybe Meta can do that, but i will learn meta soon and complete the game..........Will post some pics of the levels for all to drool...................!lol.

Looking forward to the screen shots.
MetaS shouldn't be hard to learn if you're already familiar with 3D modeling.

Hey all, well Im back at it! Im in the process of revamping all the levels. I have been hindered unmercifully by the limited size of the map cant beat em......join em. I was limited on a few outdoor levels with grid size, so I have swapped a few levels for mazes, tombs and "hilly" ish levels, which has added a nice change to the game. I will be posting some screen shots soon. Stay in touch all........
Anyone working on any new projects ?

Hi Im currently trying to work on some ideas I have for my game again, glad someones still here as I just came back also, do you think you can help me get the Kings field II looking houses map tile parts? I cant seem to find them I know they were on wiessvulf's website or somthing but its down, or the ones from the Seaguard demo (the first town area)

Hey everyone............well after a long hiatus, I am back to working on the game........ and excited win 7 hates the software though, anyone have any ideas of a fix or patch? update........I have all but two of the levels completed. Working on enemies and a few more meta-s pieces and weapons.....other than that.,this is long overdue, still here..........and those who loves these old games will soon enjoy.....
Is anyone working on any new games?

Good morning and Happy Easter to all .............. Well, i have definitely revived a new interest in completing the game. It has been long overdue! ‎ I've got a programmer question............Im using the new Bryce 7 creation i am a long long time bryce user and it has become second nature for me to use bryce, well the NEW bryce 7 exports in DXF, X, LWS files among others as well.......ok so when i save into my obj or item destination game folders do the item/obj skins stay with the file or will i have to save a texture file w/ same name?
Anyways so im creating a cpl dozen new obj/items, etc. and looking forward to getting them completed and skinned then i can save "as" and work from there witn new items. Bryce 7 is great, finally a dev. software tool, that lets you save in a hundred different formats.......let me know should anyone have any answers!!

Good to see you back. I hope all is well with you!

Happy easter!

You should have a folder to place all of your textures (duplicated) and save your models in x format in the same folder. Then you'l need to follow my guide to getting your items in game ‎  Cool

If you get stuck let me know. You can also use Johns .prf editor to get your items in game after converting them into mdo files.

Seriously if you get stuck email me your work and ill convert it all for you.

Awesome! Good to see everyone........will do on the files, i've got a couple dozen items/obj's im working on in bryce. I can export them all in a dxf or x file. Just the basic's stuff, weapons, potted plants, items, etc.........and skinning them with some really nice textures. Will keep you posted.

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