Please help me in this frustatingly addictive game! =]

First of all, kudos for creating this game. It's one of the most addictive fun games I've played in a while.

Below is some info that may spoil certain solves in the game, for that I apologize ahead, my intention is to provide as much info as I can in order to at least receive some hints from you (the game creator or whoever reads this post).

Okay, before I ask questions, some info on how far I've progressed:

intelligence 8
magic level 23
solves 30/118 (technically it should be a few less, I'll explain below)

items in possession: eye of horus, icaros plume, magic seal, gold/copper/dream/steel/Brann's keys, alchemist's knowledge, Trismegistus (1/3), pitcher of eternity, spell of unearth, spell of displace I, broken axe/shield/shovel.

Also, I've found the fire crystal and placed it in the appropriate pedestal.

Now for my questions/beg session:

1. Platinum key: I've read previous threads, and it seems like the masks on the light side have something to do with the finding of this key. Well, I did remove the arrow from the big mask as well as from all the small masks I could find. I have a feeling that there may be a mask I have not found yet, but believe me I've looked in all the places I have access to. What am I missing, or what action I have not done (please don't be so vague)? I have a feeling that the platinum key is the only item that is keeping me stuck.

2. Number of solves: I may have found what I think is a bug, unless you tell me otherwise. In the light side, in the location where the dials are located near a sunken-in fountain, I noticed that once I cracked the sequence and a red flash screen occured and I pick up the prize, I can re-set the dials to the same correct sequence and the red flash screen occurs again, even though I had already picked up the prize the first time. This causes the number of solves to increase, since I don't believe it knows that the riddle has been already solved. Am I correct, or is this intentional?

3. "Broken" items: So far I have found no use for any of these items at all. Is there a way to repair each one so they become useful?

4. Hexes on ground: I noticed there are hexes on the ground in several locations. One of the dream sequence shows a column where a hex was, in front of a cave. Is there a spell that causes this to happen? If so, where the heck is it (again, please don't be vague)?

I'll appreciate any hints/help I can get.


Messages In This Thread
Please help me in this frustatingly addictive game! =] - by Naldyc5 - 2009-03-31, 01:55 AM

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