Please help me in this frustatingly addictive game! =]

Hey dmpdesign, thanks for the castle tip. The last mask was inside it. I'm at 41 solves right now.

I wanted to let you know of another possible bug. In the earth elemental area, inside the castle with the wooden door, at the bottom of the stairs going down, I noticed that you can get past the pillar by walking on the left side of it, and be able to grab the staff of invoke earth. However, I could not walk past the pillar from either side in order to go back up the stairs. Luckily I saved my game before walking past the pillar so I'm okay. Is this intentional or a bug? My guess is that there has to be a way to remove the pillar, even though it says you can't do it with magic.

Now for the hint request: I also went to the fire elemental area, and using the Illuminante, I saw a puzzle where there are four crystals that need to be "lit", if you will. The four behind the statue lets you keep track of how many are "lit". Well, I got three of them, and I know where the last one is. Unfortunately, there is a huge chasm prohibiting me from reaching it. My question is, how in the world do I toggle it? Is it done remotely, or do you physically have to walk to it somehow?

Finally, on the earth elemental area with the Illuminante used, I see a key on top of a pillar. I know how to reach it except one of the pillars does not high enough when I use the Upheaval spell. I noticed that the Upheaval spell has a roman numeral, meaning there are higher (and I'm assuming more powerful) versions of the spell. If I need a higher level of this spell, can you give me a hint as to where it might be?


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Please help me in this frustatingly addictive game! =] - by Naldyc5 - 2009-03-31, 07:43 PM

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