Problem with Xbox 360 controller

I'm trying to play King's Field with a Xbox 360 controller. ‎  The controller works fine, but there is one problem. ‎  The strafe left/right are set to buttons 7 and 8 which are the start and select on the controller. ‎  With no way of changing them in the options setting. The game doesn't detect, or have settings, the L/R trigger buttons. ‎  I thought I could just use xpadder to emulate the keyboard, but it doesn't work. The game still detects the controller. ‎  I tried to setup a fake controller using PPjoy, but I couldn't get PPjoy to work in Windows 10. ‎  I tried using Joy2Key, but I really have no idea how to use that program. ‎  I use xpadder for my keyboard emulation needs.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get my controller working so the L/R strafe isn't set to my start/select buttons?

Messages In This Thread
Problem with Xbox 360 controller - by Ioskeha - 2017-04-13, 01:53 AM
Re: Problem with Xbox 360 controller - by Ioskeha - 2017-04-13, 04:52 AM

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