2009-10-31, 12:16 PM
Here is a hairy DOS batch file for dumping your games text. I've never really worked with batch files before. I still have to program the three command line tools that will extract the text, but after wading thru all this loopy DOS syntax that should be the easy part.
This was the only way to go without asking people to install Cygwin or anything unfortunately.
Quote:@echo OFF
if not exist som_db.exe.pot set /p sdbpot=Where is som_db.exe.pot?
if not defined sdbpot (set sdbpot=%cd%\som_db.exe.pot) else (set sdbpot=%sdbpot%\som_db.exe.pot)
if not exist "%sdbpot%" echo som_db.pot does not exist: unable to continue
if not exist "%sdbpot%" goto :eof
if not exist datpot.exe set /p datpot=Where is datpot.exe?
if not defined datpot (set datpot=%cd%\datpot.exe) else (set datpot=%datpot%\datpot.exe)
if not exist prmpot.exe set /p prmpot=Where is prmpot.exe?
if not defined prmpot (set prmpot=%cd%\prmpot.exe) else (set prmpot=%prmpot%\prmpot.exe)
if not exist evtpot.exe set /p evtpot=Where is evtpot.exe?
if not defined evtpot (set datpot=%cd%\evtpot.exe) else (set evtpot=%evtpot%\evtpot.exe)
if not exist PROJECT.DAT set /p prjdat=Where is PROJECT.DAT?
if not defined prjdat set prjdat=%cd%
if not exist "%TEMP%\Swordofmoonlight.com" md "%TEMP%\Swordofmoonlight.com"
set _=%TEMP%\Swordofmoonlight.com\XGETTEXT.bat_
if not exist "%datpot%" echo datpot.exe does not exist: unable to output .dat file contents
if not exist "%datpot%" goto :prm
echo Looking in PARAM folder for .dat files...
if exist "%_%dat.pot" del /Q "%_%dat.pot"
"%datpot%" "--output=%_%dat.pot" "%prjdat%\PARAM\*.dat"
if not exist "%_%dat.pot" echo datpot failure
if not exist "%prmpot%" echo prmpot.exe does not exist: unable to output .prm file contents
if not exist "%prmpot%" goto :evt
echo Looking in PARAM folder for .prm files...
if exist "%_%prm.pot" del /Q "%_%prm.pot"
"%prmpot%" "--output=%_%prm.pot" "%prjdat%\PARAM\*.prm"
if not exist "%_%prm.pot" echo prmpot failure
if not exist "%evtpot%" echo evtpot.exe does not exist: unable to output .evt file contents
if not exist "%evtpot%" goto :out
echo Looking in DATA\MAP folder for .evt files...
if exist "%_%evt.pot" del /Q "%_%evt.pot"
"%evtpot%" "--output=%_%dat.pot" "%prjdat%\DATA\MAP\*.evt"
if not exist "%_%evt.pot" echo evtpot failure
set out=%1
if not defined out set /p out=What is the name of the game pot file? [XGETTEXT.POT]
if not defined out set out=XGETTEXT.POT
if exist "%_%dat.pot" (set a=+ "%_%dat.pot") else (set a= )
if exist "%_%prm.pot" (set b=+ "%_%prm.pot") else (set b= )
if exist "%_%evt.pot" (set c=+ "%_%evt.pot") else (set c= )
if defined a goto :fin
if defined b goto :fin
if defined c goto :fin
set /p fin=only som_db.exe.pot exists: continue? [y/N]
if fin==Y goto :fin
if fin==y goto :fin
if fin==N goto :del
if fin==n goto :del
echo assuming No was meant: no output was generated
goto :del
echo #rename this file like your game's .exe file with a .pot file extension > %out%
echo #don't forget to remove these lines and be sure to save as a UTF-8 file >> %out%
echo. >> %out%
copy /Y /B "%out%" + "%sdbpot%" %a% %b% %c% "%out%"
if exist "%_%dat.pot" del /Q "%_%dat.pot"
if exist "%_%prm.pot" del /Q "%_%prm.pot"
if exist "%_%evt.pot" del /Q "%_%evt.pot"
This was the only way to go without asking people to install Cygwin or anything unfortunately.