Peace, Golden King.

Rathmor Video

(2013-06-25, 01:56 AM)HwitVlf link Wrote: I wonder if the arm could hold the full 256. Even with 100, you could almost give every weapon it's own swing animation- very nice.

The only likely limits are the maximum size of the ARM.MDL file and the number of bits used for the ID in the PRF files. But Rathmor won't be limited that way. The ID in the PRF will not be used. Especially if its just a byte. And there will be an ARMS.MDL file and other files if necessary to better organize things and or to work around any hard numerical limits posed by MDL format.

Love the new video, the jumping mechanic is awesome....well done guys!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

(2013-06-25, 01:50 PM)dmpdesign link Wrote: Love the new video, the jumping mechanic is awesome....well done guys!

At what point is there jumping? I didn't mention it, but I can't even tell if the walking effect is in there. I figured Verdite disabled it to protect the egos of the people here not using Ex. These videos should show off analog too. Because it makes SOM look like shit to play it with a keyboard.

It plays better than any commercial game that has ever existed. Show it off.

Here are some screenshots with lamps. I've never noticed any problems. What is it about your lamps that might be different?

EDITED: For the record the first two have the brightness Option cranked all of the way up. Just checked the DB.INI file. They are all on the same map so I was wondering why the bottom is so much darker. The second I took with do_hdr turned on to be sure it wasn't different. Probably wouldn't hurt dim the light a little for do_hdr, but technically it looks fine. Notice how the bottom of the lantern in screen two is black despite the white hot light around it. That's because it is on the other side of the light source. Your video doesn't seem to demonstrate that quality.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I think Rathmor likely has very high ambient light settings which is why you aren't seeing the obvious lightsourcing in that vid.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

(2013-07-04, 08:13 PM)dmpdesign link Wrote: I think Rathmor likely has very high ambient light settings which is why you aren't seeing the obvious lightsourcing in that vid.

Well lamps aren't ambient the way they are in the video. Though you can make them that way with an extension that adds a little bit of ambient contribution to lamps if you were to crank up the contribution to maximum.

I can't figure out why the lights are funny in these videos. I'd like to get to the bottom of it myself.

Since jumping was mentioned earlier, I just want to say that I've discovered a bug that probably only appeared in one of the latter patches that was likely to have been used in this video.

Jumping and everything was very fluid before. But right now its twitchy. I'm going to have to stop what I am doing to look figure that out today.

Update: I did discover a very choice bug that was generating a repulsive force when pushing against walls (thanks to omitting some grouping parentheses in a bit of math) especially noticeable while dashing. However for jumping the only difference was I'd scaled back the jump height of my projects after I finished working on jumping, and it turns out that there are some problems when duck jumping with a modest jump height. Mainly you are still ducking when you land, which is like hitting a wall, which may have been being exacerbated by the repulsive force bug mentioned above.

I haven't decided what to do about that. It probably won't get fixed anytime too soon since the jumping mechanics are incomplete anyway. At the least until SOM's ceiling bug has been dealt with.

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