Return to Melanat [Full Game]

Made a long overdue new trailer for patch 1.2 of Return to Melanat!
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Nice work!

Return to Melenant brings back a lot of great KF nostalgia, much like the shoreline section of Todd's Dark Destiny.
Good stuff! ‎  Smile

I made a gameplay video of this game :

When I try to play the game, the menu badly flickers, and when I try to talk to someone or examine something, ghostlike images of the menus I've previously entered flicker on the screen, blocking off the text. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing that, and how I could get rid of it?

I believe it is caused from having other applications open on the screen when you start the game.

If that isn't it, you could also try changing the video device. To do this, open up Return to Melanat.ini in the game folder using notepad and change the value of 'device=2' on line 2 to something between 1 and 5 and see what works for you.

If all else fails, try restarting your computer.
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Well, I tried all three of those suggestions, but the menu still flickers and ghost-images just as badly. I truly have no idea what could be causing it, but it's extremely irritating.

Try turning off your antivirus, and turn off any non-critical applications that use a screen overlay. Also, did you run the game from its folder? The folder being open may cause flicker, if this is the case you can either create a shortcut, or tab out of the game, close the folder, then re-open the game window.


Does it have the same problem when the display device is set to RGB emulation?

Alright, the RGB emulation is the only one that doesn't flicker, so that takes care of that! Now, the textures are a bit whacky, and the game slows down a bit even on the lowest resolution, but that's way more tolerable than the flickering. Thanks much! The game looks great so far.

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