2010-01-03, 04:06 AM
Well I feel like a big dummy Now.... I was wondering why Todd's item set was filled with Objects...Genius:) I did how ever imply the idea of multi maps for single areas, Hence my Demo (Buckaunis) is broken down by North, South, Mausoleum, Falls and East Buckaunis.... Yes my game is that Vast:) and awfully time consuming must I add. but worth it There are seven areas to my World map.... If all goes well, each area will be multi-plexed so to speak:) and there ios one map Specificly for my various fortune tellers... There houses are Optical illusions, whereas they seem Small outside but when you enter you teleport to map 60 and bam, your in a fat crib:) I may even do that to some villages if can make a new set of house map pieces that have 2 floors and not one IE the castle set. brillant:) then house could feel larger and more realistic other that a huge place on the map....... Thanks for time too:) Oh yeah it's the trees that take the most of my objects, Trees and grass: would be cool to invent map pieces with A tree on it or grass:)...Hmmmmmmmm