Never approach the island. For a sleeping beast in the darkness waits for a great awakening.

So..... 2 years since this forum saw some life....

Sorry I'm late. ‎  I work weekends and surprise - since I sit at a computer all day at work, I'm usually off doing other things in my free time. ‎  John, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

I do believe I'll need some more information before I'm able to give a proper answer.

...not that you're not providing enough information, its just that I've slept, made games, made albums, made money since making Trismegistus. ‎  I'm beyond rusty with this.
[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Right, so after re-reading what was said and trying to familiarize myself again with the past, I would like to ask one question...

You're using the (Illuminati - I think that's what its called? ‎  Ugh that's horrible I don't even remember.) the lantern object to explore the day and night settings of both places?

EDIT: For the record, SOM does not work on the PC I'm using so... ‎  your best bet (unless you have video footage already) is screenshots - and maybe a handful of them to jog my memory.

Hopefully that will jog my memory...
[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Ok..... So I am red faced and ashamed at my own stupidity. I got tunnel visioned and didnt real;ise that the way to finish the game was staring at me for ages. After desperately going around and re-exploring everything and interacting with everything and everyone again I finally found that I had missed some things that i had thought i got ages ago.

Now it might be that I did get the stuff I found and it just didnt save right or something because there were minor issues with ghosts not disappearing after an excorcism and gaining random magic levels after loading up a save game. I dont really know. Either way I was an effin idiot and i wasted everyones time and bugged the hell outta everyone. I hope I havent been too annoying.

To Holy Diver: I have already recorded the entire LP using the version on the Tris page so it is a bit late for me to use the remastered version. I would however be more than ok putting a link to it in the description of each video.

Thanks guys for putting up with me and trying to help me out. Oh and Hguols i was worried that the Jorm fight was gonna be a lot tougher than it was. Very fun fight. I didnt like how his familiars reappeared after loading a save in between getting hits on him though.

For anyone interested when i get it all up (5 parts up currently) it will all be in this playlist.

My buddies LP can be found here as well. He is a bit behind me at the moment.

Sweet deal! ‎  I'm glad you figured it out!

Hey, the videos are an honor! ‎  Thank you!
[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Yeah, very nice. I actually enjoyed getting reacquainted with Trismegistus- brought back some fond memories! I posted the Let's Play links as a sticky, if that's ok with everyone.
COOL! ‎  beerchug ‎ 

It's good to know the game can be won.

If you'd make a list of things that you think should be changed that would probably be really helpful when the day comes to make this game a little more accessible.

Not necessarily anything to make it easier. In fact making it harder wouldn't be so awful either. But if there is anything that feels like a bug or a defect (owing to SOM or Tom) or just plain ill conceived. Make a note of it.



I kinda wanted to see the end, but I assumed these videos would be a wee bit more too the point Smile

Look me up if you ever feel up to making a fast run through version. Like 1.5x what it would take to play the game as fast as you can.

Much of the video is too dark to see. Anyway. Something that really showcases Sword of Moonlight would be a worthwhile endeavor. And Trismegistus is a pretty fun game to watch people play.

Well done emerald. ‎  Wink

Been busy lately but wanted to hop back on here and say thanks again guys for the help and especially to the H man for a great game.

I have altered the videos brightness and contrast slightly to make them easier on the eyes though the youtube renderer leaves a lot to be desired quality wise so I dont know if it will be to everyones liking but hopefully it helps with making it a bit more watchable.

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