So..... 2 years since this forum saw some life....

So heres the thing.

I am doing a Lets Play of the game as is a friend of mine. I have gotten fairly far into the game and just need some minor hints to figure out whether im wasting my time on one thing and if there is a trick to another.

I have Jord, Branns and Farvanns hearts and working on getting the last one. I did the 2 crystals and opened the 2 walls to the wind seal and the button but every time i get close to the door to progress the screen flashes green and the door closes. Not sure what the trick to this one is yet.

Now for the place where Im wasting time faffing around. In the earth area in the room with supposedly nothing in it I can interact with an armour through the wall and one wall sticks out a bit so its obvious theres something there but I have no idea how to get this room ‎  to work for me rather than against me. Both upheavals and all 3 displcaes seem to do nothing so I dont know what to do here.

Any help would be appreciated.

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So..... 2 years since this forum saw some life.... - by MrEmeralddragon - 2013-05-07, 03:50 PM

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