SoM Damage calculator updated to v1.2

You will need Microsoft Excel (XLS) to use this or one of the freeware XLS viewers available.
HERE is the link to Microsofts free Excel viewer.

Enter your player's stats at top, and then a use on box below for each enemy in your game. ‎  The important info will "Hits to Kill" info on the left (red arrow in picture).

UPDATED to v1.2 (Attached). This update fixes a bug that was ignoring the "Enemy HP" field for all the enemy charts except the first.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.zip   SoM Damage Calculator (Size: 579.61 KB / Downloads: 191)

Messages In This Thread
SoM Damage calculator updated to v1.2 - by HwitVlf - 2011-04-28, 03:02 AM

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