SoM Helper Tool

Looks great! ‎  I would have paid money for these things back when I was making a game ;)
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Just for the record, Windows Defender thinks this download (edited: the EXE inside) is "Trojan:Win32/Azden.A!cl" stupid generic description says "Published Dec 02, 2016|Updated Feb 28, 2018" whatever that means.

I'm assuming false positive. It's had plenty of opportunities to scan the folder it was in, therefor, it follows this Trojan's signature is recent.

EDITED: I had an impossible time restoring the file. Then I downloaded the attachment to verify that they were identical. And put its EXE in the same folder. But it was immediately flagged too. And it's under allowed threats, but there must be a bug in Windows Defender (surprise) because there is no way to restore the copy, since it's listed as restored, but is still deleted... in any event, if they are not identical, they are both flagged.

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