Some weird bugs I've come across.

I have some Ex stuff for DD. The Dark Destiny patch is still the premier patch I guess. But I don't intend to try to monkey with any of the game elements for an Ex release. I'd appreciate it if Todd took an interest in improving DD by way of Ex. But he keeps insisting he's "finished" with it and is damn adamant about leaving it as is more or less. My major concern with DD are the technical shortcomings, though the game itself I think would benefit from a little added enthusiasm which I think Todd was lacking during the final phases of development.

I think the Zero Punctuation guy makes a good point once upon a time, when he said you should focus all your enthusiasm/budget on the beginning of the game and the end of the game, and don't worry about the middle until you have the that much set in stone (kinda like building a bridge) that way if your enthusiasm/budget runs out at least it will feel psychologically less like an incomplete product. And it's always easier to pull major chunks out of the middle than to wrap things up prematurely or run out of steam along the way. I'd also add to this, don't worry about the game content itself until the gameplay is ironed out / technically sound.

Messages In This Thread
Some weird bugs I've come across. - by Luthius - 2010-12-26, 04:04 PM
Re: Some weird bugs I've come across. - by HolyDiver - 2011-01-11, 02:30 AM

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