Souls Giving

There's going to be a Demon's Souls resurrection from November 23 to December 1, more details are in this video.

I'll be playing a royalty character named Heather (Silent Hill character). Cool
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


I am surprised folks think its in need of resurrection, I just went through this game twice this year, and both times I had tons of soul signs to summon from at almost every area. ‎  Maybe I just got lucky :D
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Oh and I will partake of course, I will be on Friday most of the day EST ;)

My PSN name is dmpdesign, hopefully someone will find me!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Im tempted to buy a ps3 just for this. Mine packed up a while ago (YLOD) ‎  :sick[1]:

Have you looked into ‎  the possibility of fixing your PS3 yourself? Sometimes there are common problems with consoles that have well documented fix info online. My wireless 360 controller receiver for PC died about a year after I bought it. It turned out to be a common problem where a micro-fuse on the receiver's circuit board failed. It was just poor design on Microsoft's part so the micro-fuse could simply be bypassed. I soldered a bridge across the fuse and It's worked just fine for a couple years since. Worth a look!

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