Steam Heroes - Xbox 360 game available soon

Those who develop games for the 360 can create PC playable builds, the only requirement of the build is that you install visual C# express 2008 and a compatible version of the XNA developers software (v 3.1 or higher would work).

Steam Heroes will be available for PC on steam shortly after its xbox release and is in the works for an iphone app as well.

I would think personally holy, with a programming background like you have, you could likely construct quite an impressive indie game. ‎  There are some people out there who have created toolkits that could easily be converted to a first person RPG with a small amount of effort...check this one out for example:
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Re: Steam Heroes - Xbox 360 game available soon - by dmpdesign - 2010-07-02, 01:38 AM

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