Steam Heroes - Xbox 360 game available soon

I've never really been into that sort of thing other than get rich quick scheming which I think I've grown out of ‎  Rolleyes

Is C# Express a free download? My MSVC license will probably be 2005 until I'm absolutely forced to buy a new one.

I would not do a project like that unless I was confident the profits would be in the millions. But yeah, I can just about do it all.

Edited: In my experience people are barely able to sustain collaboration in anything for very long unless there is a strict master/servant relationship. And I'm just completely disinterested in that, even if I had the seed money. I am curious how much of cut all those services take from your 1$.

PS: You might have tried making it a Steam exclusive with a name like that. Might still be bargaining time before it launches on Live.

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Re: Steam Heroes - Xbox 360 game available soon - by HolyDiver - 2010-07-02, 04:55 AM

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