The Field of Kings FAQs

Just to be on the safe side:

Do you have to do anything with your PSP to get this game to work, or will it work on a PSP with original software and such?

Messages In This Thread
The Field of Kings FAQs - by Hguols - 2012-05-03, 04:58 AM
Re: The Field of Kings FAQs - by Guyra - 2012-05-03, 06:36 PM
Re: The Field of Kings FAQs - by Hguols - 2012-05-09, 08:19 PM
Re: The Field of Kings FAQs - by Hguols - 2012-05-12, 12:53 AM
Re: The Field of Kings FAQs - by Guyra - 2012-05-13, 08:23 AM

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