The Field of Kings released!

Almost 5 months in the works and its finally done. ‎ 
2165 images, 4409 .a files, over 100 different enemies to encounter.
The Field of Kings is complete!

[Image: 1w1.jpg][Image: 2efightdeath1.jpg][Image: 16s3fight.gif][Image: 41e8fight.gif][Image: 03e2fight.gif][Image: 11e6.jpg]
[Image: 58w7.jpg][Image: 31n9duhrin.gif][Image: 15s2fightwin.jpg][Image: 19e5.jpg]
[Image: 18e3fightdeath.jpg][Image: 04n4fightwin.jpg]
[Image: 09n4fight.gif][Image: 07w9.jpg][Image: 18n6fightdeath.jpg][Image: 58n3.jpg][Image: 33s5fight.gif][Image: 49n7fightdeath.jpg][Image: 21e8.jpg]

Please go to download the game! ‎  Installation instructions are on the site!

PSP online and download version available!
Smart phone online and download version available!

There's even a very special reward for those who complete the game!

[Image: tfokbanner.gif]

[Image: banner.gif]

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