The KF1 SoM remake link is down.

Wasn't really sure where to post about this. Moderators can feel free to move this.

But yeah, the link is down. Dropbox says the file was moved or deleted. Oh, I just checked and the PS1 ISO and PSP version are down too. Though I'm not personally interested in those two. I'm guessing the Dropbox account was closed or something.

Where are you grabbing the dropbox links from?

Check the ones in this post:

They should be working. ‎  If you can point me where you found the non working links I will remove them.

- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Answered my own question, yes the links on the actual main site pages are gone, I need to change those buttons to redirect to a join the forum link as I dont want those links to be public anymore (too many bots).

Thanks for pointing it out!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Aha! I see. I somehow missed the Downloads section of the forum. Doh. Thank you for the heads up. And also for hosting the game. ‎  Smile

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