This is for anyone who loves playing trismegistus.

I been struggling within myself on that very same question. Should I make my own game engine and release it. My main issues have been what should be the storyline plot and everytime I get into the depth of the plot I end up expanding a feature in my mind that is going to cause me to redraw my game plan and push back a release date.

My personal game I'm creating started with the idea that you are an elven wizard in a fantasy setting, now I have months of work that are day dreamt up daily that i keep writing down and realize I should have a book finished by now. It has twists and turns. My main thing I want to do is figure out the limitations I want to give the character. Should it be like Morrowind or Skyrim where the player can go anywhere from the start, should they have melee and ranged combat not just magical, should there be more realistic damage.
"You can silence my voice, cut away my tongue, make me deaf, make me blind, you can lock me in a cage throw away the key, you can severe my fingers and toes, you can drug me to the point I won't even know I'm alive, you can scar my soul, but you can not destroy my dreams!"

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Re: This is for anyone who loves playing trismegistus. - by lycianzer - 2016-09-02, 04:25 AM

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