2011-01-19, 09:26 AM
(2011-01-18, 09:31 PM)dmpdesign link Wrote:The collosseum has a high number of npc/enemies that appear dependant on counter triggers...every other map has very few if any. I dont know if that may have anything to do with it.
Other things the game may monitor that could affect your numbers randomly between maps that are not event based -
-dropped items staying on the map, including gold that is not picked up.
-whether or not single appearance enemies have appeared, im sure there must be some variables tracked for that
-the status of a chest that has/has not yet been opened.
-the status of a door that has/has not been unlocked.
-enemies that only appear a limited number of times is probably tracked in the memory you are looking at
Another thing, are the number of polls at all affected by the draw distance in a map?
Sorry... a few posts up I figured out what was causing the extra polling... apparently its a bug caused by "always on" events.
I reckon the players movement must be synced with the clock (which is already pretty evident) or otherwise the extra polling would've made the player move twice as fast and 3x as fast and so on per each always on event. In which case at least the bug would've been noticed

PS: Are you suggesting each of those bullet points are known to cause problems?
PPS: Just to be clear... when I say "polls" I mean specifically when Som checks the state of the keyboard and or joypad. There seems to maybe be some confusion.
So basically Ex has to filter out the extra polls somehow, and also deal with the bug that's especially wreaking havoc with the Take this item? screen.
I'm hoping it won't be necessary to go the the extreme of counting the always on events per map

BTW/Offtopic: Ex is just getting into snooping around the memory. The only really useful memory I know of atm is the counters and the basic player stats. Mainly the gauges and the stuff you see on the first menu screen, excluding ailments. The ailments might well be in the same memory but I haven't setup any scenarios to make them stand out. I probably have a lead on the clock, but it won't be practical to fix that bug until we can find out where the clock data is in the save file. It would be funny to sync an in game clock with the game clock / maybe make a puzzle of it. You could do other weird stuff as well of course.